University of Illinois System
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Campus Based Student Loans

University of Illinois manages and collects the following Campus Based Student Loan Programs:

  • University of Illinois Institutional Loans
  • Federal Perkins Loans (effective 9/30/17 the Perkins Loan Program officially ended so no new Perkins Loans were awarded after the 2017-2018 academic year)
  • Federal Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) loan programs:
    • Nursing Student Loans (NSL)
    • Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP)
    • Health Professions Student Loans (HPSL)
    • Primary Care Loans (PCL)
    • Loans for Disadvantaged Students (LDS)

When students graduate or drop below half time, their Campus Based Loans enter a 6 or 9 month (depending on Loan Program) grace period before repayment begins.

Heartland ECSI is the University's contracted servicer for University of Illinois Campus Based Student Loans. Borrowers can view their Campus Based Loan account online at Heartland ECSI. This website also has an available live chat feature.

For more information on accessing and managing Campus Based Student Loans, click on the links below:

To discuss your Campus Based Student Loans by phone, please call Heartland ECSI at (888) 549-3274.

All University of Illinois Campus Based Student Loans are reported to one or more national credit bureaus so it is imperative that you repay your Loans on time to maintain good credit history.

Delinquent Loans will be referred for collection. University of Illinois collection activities include:

  • Reporting delinquent Loans to one or more national credit bureaus
  • Filing a claim with the IL Comptroller State Offset System against any monies due the student from the State of Illinois
  • Emailing, mailing, and/or calling you and/or your references to repay your Loans
  • If the above efforts fail, referring defaulted Loans to a series of external collection agency (see Collection Partners).

Student Loan Rehabilitation

If your Federal Perkins Loan or University of Illinois Institutional Loan is in default (9 or more months delinquent) you may be eligible to rehabilitate your defaulted loan.  A defaulted loan will be considered rehabilitated once you have made nine consecutive on-time monthly payments. Our Office will determine the payment amount. You can only rehabilitate your loan once. If your Institutional Loan has been placed with an external agency, the Loan must be paid in full by the end of the nine consecutive on-time monthly payments in order to be rehabilitated.

Benefits of loan rehabilitation include:

  • Your delinquency will be cured
  • The default will be removed from your credit report
  • Your Title IV student financial assistance eligibility will be reinstated for rehabilitated Perkins Loans
  • Your new repayment period may be extended up to 10 years depending on the balance of your loan

How to apply:

  • Contact our office at or 312-413-0303 to request Loan Rehabilitation
  • You will need to execute a Loan Rehabilitation Agreement and meet the terms of the program.

Contact Information

If you have a question about your student loans, please email or call 312-413-0303. Please include your University Identification Number (UIN), current mailing address and phone number in the body of your email.


Room 162 (MC 367)
Henry Administration Bldg.
506 South Wright Street
Urbana, Illinois 61801
Phone (217) 333-2180


Room 1900 (MC 073)
Student Services Bldg.
1200 West Harrison Street
Chicago, Illinois 60607
Phone (312) 996-8574


Room 1001
University Hall Building
One University Plaza
Springfield, Illinois 62703
Phone (217) 206-6727

Payment Address

University of Illinois Payment Center
Student A/R
28393 Network Place
Chicago, IL 60673-1283

Do NOT send scholarship checks to this address. See Scholarship Payments section of our website for more information.

Please give us your feedback on this website.